Week 14

Monday April 11


  • Implementing FOSS in Schools
  • FOSS Technology Management


New Zealand school ditches Microsoft and goes totally open source (webpage)

New Zealand school ditches Microsoft and goes totally open source is a great article about Albany Senior High School, a school that decided that F/OSS represented the values they wanted to promote in their school. ASHS opted to go completely open-source when it opened in 2010, despite a district mandate to use Microsoft software. Look for ideas here on why the school did this, and how they accomplished it. Note from the photo caption that the school is presenting at a conference alongside staff from Open Systems Specialists, a company providing support for a range of F/OSS. There are support partners available worldwide to augment the skills and capacities of technical staff.

Domain of ones own

BC Campus Open Textbook Project

Wikipedia Education

JennyBC stats course on github


  • Blog post #8

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